
The Health Benefits of Lemongrass

A Malaysian folktale states that you will find treasure under a blooming lemongrass plant. Lemongrass is a multifunctional culinary perennial herb that originates in India and the tropical regions of Asia. It can live up to 4 years in the wild.

Lemongrass is added to many Asian dishes for a unique citrus-scent and tangy flavor. It is also used for the management of some health issues and in the cosmetic and perfume industries.

Another treasure in a blooming lemongrass plant is the rare sprouting of its small white, cream, or green flowers.

Nutritional Facts of Lemongrass

Vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other chemicals that act as antioxidants are abundant in all parts of lemongrass. (11) This herb is, therefore, highly beneficial for health.

Lemongrass leaves are high in crude fiber, a type of dietary fiber, making the herb high in carbohydrates. One hundred grams of lemongrass has 99 calories, but no cholesterol. Lemongrass also contains the following nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Folate (75 µg; 19% of RDA): Vitamin B is present in the leaves and stems of lemongrass and is involved in cell division and DNA synthesis
  • Vitamin C (2.6 mg; 4% of RDA): An antioxidant that repairs tissue and prevents scurvy
  • Vitamin A (trace amounts): Aids in immune system maintenance, vision, and growth and development
  • Magnesium (60 mg; 19% RDA): An important mineral for bone structure, protein synthesis, glycolysis (energy production), and muscle and nerve functions
  • Selenium (trace amounts): An antioxidant that supports the immune system, cognitive function, and fertility
  • Phosphorus (101 mg; 14% RDA): An essential mineral that aids in building bones, nucleic acids, and cell membranes
  • Iron (8.17 mg; 45% RDA): A mineral that is part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues
  • Zinc (2.23 mg; 27% RDA): An essential mineral involved in cellular metabolism that plays a role in protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and normal growth and development.
  • B vitamins (trace amounts): Vitamins that are essential for energy metabolism, blood cell production, and maintaining the health of body tissues

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