Nutrition facts of soy milk
Soy milk is thought to lead to a decline in physiological function due to hormonal disturbances as well as harm to people with thyroid disease. However, to be fair, soy milk is a nut milk that has a lot of healthy nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamins and protein, with the following nutritional composition:

Health benefits of soy milk
Soy milk can give you a nutrient source with a significant amount of calcium, manganese and selenium as well as highly bioactive polyphenols called isoflavones. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in soy milk can provide important health benefits. With the group of vitamins (B2, B12) found in soy milk, it supports the production of red blood cells, prevents anemia, helps digest food, absorbs energy and supports vitamin B3, B6 to work, as well as promotes healthy nervous system development.
There are about 6.3 grams of protein in a single serving of soymilk according to USDA data, but the amount can be different depending on the brand that you buy. That can be a great way to meet some of your daily protein needs.
May improve cholesterol
Consuming between 240 ml to slightly more than 1 litre of soy milk per day for 4 – 8 weeks may improve cholesterol and triglycerides levels in your blood. The beneficial effects on cholesterol and triglyceride levels may relate to the certain proteins and isoflavones.
May reduce high blood pressure
Some research suggests that soy milk has blood-pressure-lowering effects. High blood pressure is a signigicant risk factor for heart and kidney diseases. Consuming soy milk may decrease the systolic and diastolic blood pressure thanks to the content of a specific isoflavone called genistein.
May support weight loss and weight maintenance
A cup of 240 ml of unsweetened soy milk contains 80 calories which can make it an excellent low-calorie choice. It’s also a great source of protein to promotes feelings of fullness, requires more calories than carbs or fats to digest and absorb.
May lower inflammation
Inflammation is a natural healing mechanism of the body against injuries and infections, but it can be damaging and increase the risk of conditions like diabets, heart disease, cancer and rheumatold arthritis if the inflammation becomes chronic or long-term.
Shelf-life of soy milk
Soy milk can be divided into two categories: UHT and fresh drinks. The UHT drinks undergo extensive heat processing to increase their shelf-life, while the refrigerated ones don’t. The UHT soy milk can have a shelf life to 18 months and be stored at room temperatures.
Does soy milk have bad impacts to health?
Besides health benefits there are some risks and considerations of soy milk. Soy contains phytoestrogens also known as phytoestrogens. The relationship between gynecomastia and soy protein is still not fully researched in humans. Therefore, men should still drink soy milk in moderation to avoid diseases of male mammary gland development disorders.
Protein in soy milk contains some substances that easily inhibit the digestion of protein, leading to constipation, indigestion, and bloating when drinking too much soy milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink too much soy milk at once and the recommended amount of soy milk for adults should not exceed 500ml at a time.
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